Aim and scope

The Seminar ''Sophus Lie'' is an international seminar of mathematicians interested in the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras and their applications. Its first meeting was in January 1991. This workshop will be the 50th workshop and it will take place 25 years after the first one. On this occasion, our intention is to use the opportunity to have both, a look back on results achieved, and on future developments in the field.

To be more specific, the goal of the workshop is to bring together leading experts working in currently particularly active areas of Lie theory, thus continuing with the main stream of activities of Seminar Sophus Lie. We also want to include promising students and young researchers, and to create an open learning environment for a fruitful exchange of ideas with the goal of creating new visions and collaborations between experts and students alike. Accordingly, we prefer not to concentrate only on the newest results in a narrow area, but rather include survey lectures and comparative study of various ideas and methods.


The main topics of the conference are:

  1. Representation theory
  2. Microlocal techniques and dynamical systems
  3. Deformations of algebraic and related geometric structures
  4. Lie systems: generalizations and applications

Historical Remarks

The Sophus Lie seminar was founded around 1989-90 when, during the Volkskammer Government of the German Democratic Republic in 1989, open contacts between mathematicians in East- and West-Germany became a reality for the first time since 1961. Several mathematicians located at the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, the University of Erlangen, the University of Greifswald, and the University of Leipzig (historically, Leipzig was particularly important in Sophus Lie's life) organized informally the Seminar with financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and met for the first seminar session at the University of Leipzig in January 1991. The Seminar usually meets once a semester since that time. Over the years, the seminar was attended by participants from more and more countries. Meetings took place in Germany (Leipzig, Greifswald, Erlangen, Darmstadt, Clausthal, Bielefeld, Stuttgart, Berlin, Paderborn, Gőttingen, Marburg, Bad Honnef), Austria (Vienna), France (Metz, Nancy, Mulhouse, Reims, Lyon), Poland (Będlewo), Hungary (Budapest), Romania (Cluj-Napoca), Luxembourg (Luxembourg). Now, it is an European event with a clear international dimension. For a more detailed history of the seminar we refer to: A. Fialowski and A. Szilard, Seminar Sophus Lie, Newsletter of the EMS 69 (Sept. 2008), pp. 14-16.

Supported by:

Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences

Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science

University of Luxembourg

European Mathematical Society

The Humboldt Foundation


In case of any questions please contact 50SeminarLie[at] or directly one of the members of the Local Organization Committee.
(C) Michał Jóźwikowski, 2015 & 2016